Thursday, May 30, 2013

There's ONE in every crowd!

Sometimes one has to be taught a lesson!

Oh no, this is a serious, help!!!

Talk about over using the GGG motivational support on the course!

A happy participant with her MDC bag, noice!

Nervous before the run!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The results

THANK YOU! What a magnificent effort – 130,000 participants and 2000 volunteers.On Sunday morning, more than 130,000 Australians in a record 74 locations came together to walk or run for breast cancer research and to show their respect for those affected by breast cancer, contributing to the lasting impact the Women in Super Mother's Day Classic has had on breast cancer research in Australia.

Due to your participation and this year’s outstanding individual and team efforts fundraising, we now expect this year's fundraising total to reach well in excess of $4 million, on top of the $14.8 million raised in previous years. This has made Mother's Day Classic the biggest single donor to the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), supporting research projects into detection, prevention, treatment and ultimately finding a cure.

The weather was kind this year in most of the 74 locations but even in those locations that did get the rain, families, teams, men and women paid no regard to the elements and came together to show their support for those affected by breast cancer and to help us raise more funds than ever before.

It was a great effort with record crowd numbers in almost every location. Whether you walked, run, cheered, volunteered or fundraised we thank you all.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Congratulations Kingaroy

Kingaroy's regional MDC raised
approximately $6500
towards Breast Cancer Research!

Photos from Kinaroy's 2nd Mother's Day Classic

The start of the 4k option

How fabulous are those shirts!  This group certainly represented the community spirit of the day!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Congratulations Kingaroy!  315 participants in our regional Mother's Day Classic.  The Kingaroy Community took part in a National Fun Run/Walk  on Sunday May 12th, Mother's Day to do their part to raise money and awareness about Breast Cancer.
Thanks must go the sponsors and organisations that assisted with the success of Kingaroy's MDC
  • Stanwell/ Tarong Powerstations /Meandu Mine
  • South Burnett Regional Council
  • Qld Police - Kingaroy
  • SES - Kingaroy
  • Kingaroy Rotary
  • Andersenn's Fruit
  • Office Central
  • Intouch Chiropractic
  • Crow FM - for the wonderful free promotion of our event
  • SB Times - for the regular stories both in the Times and Mail
  • SB Online
  • Sissy Bags
  • Sunshine Mitre 10
  • Chantilly Lace
  • South Burnett Traffic Management & Control
  • CMC, Nanango
  • McGrath Foundation Breast Care Nurse

Friday, May 10, 2013

Begin arrive at 7am at Memorial Park for a 7:30am race start




I send my warmest best wishes to everyone across Australia who is celebrating Mother’s Day. I know some mums will be marking the day with a hand-made card and a noodle necklace, breakfast in bed or an autumn picnic.

But for a remarkable group of women, Mother’s Day will be spent out walking and running to support breast cancer research, to honour those who have survived this gruelling disease, and to remember those who no longer share this day with us.

I truly appreciate the Mother’s Day Classic and I’ve joined in it myself because – like so many Australians – I’ve had friends and loved ones who’ve faced the reality of this dreadful disease, and the Classic gives you a great feeling of making a difference, however small it might seem.

So best of luck also to everyone pulling on the running shoes for this year’s Mother’s Day Classic events, in Ballarat and Broome, in Jindabyne and Gympie, and just about everywhere in between.

I’m certain that every family that has been touched by breast cancer will be cheering you on, as will I.

There couldn’t be a better way to mark Mother’s Day than by bringing closer the time when women need not fear breast cancer anymore.

The Honourable Julia Gillard

Prime Minister of Australia

Message from the MDC

This is the 16th year of the Mother’s Day Classic and we have a record 74 events nationally. We are expecting over 125,000 participants across Australia – an outstanding result.   
There are approximately 12,000 people around Australia participating in a regional event this Sunday! (Kingaroy we have 202 entries so far!!!)
The Mother’s Day Classic Australia’s largest funder of National Breast Cancer Foundation research programs.
We are currently sitting on approximately 1.1 million dollars in fundraising around the country
The money raised today helps fund new research into prevention, detection, treatment and cure of breast cancer.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Course Options

4k walk or run
8k for runners ONLY
The course takes participants from Memorial Park
 along Haly Street,
(heading towards Mt.Wooroolin direction) 
Turn right onto West Street
Turn around at the  2k water station on West St
Return to Memorial Park via the same course
(West St and Haly St)
4k walkers and runners do ONE loop
8k runners do TWO loops
Only runners for the 8k course simply as the roads can only be temporarily closed for a short time so not to inconvenience the public for any longer than necessary

Mother's Day Classic

Raising Money for National Breast Cancer Research
Supporting those who have endured Breast Cancer
 currently undergoing treatment
Remembering those lost to this disease

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Registration on the day -only option NOW available

Online registration has NOW closed
 Enter on the day at Memorial Park from 7am
$20 per adult
Student/Health care $12
Family - 1 adult and up to 4 children $30
Family - 2 adults and up to 4 children $50

The course

All participants will leave from the Memorial Park and walk or run along Haly Street (temporarily closed for your safety) heading towards Mt. Wooroolin direction. 

At West Street everyone will turn right and walk or run until they reach the 2k water station point.

Please note there will be a port a loo at the 1k mark on the corner of James and West Street.

The 4k participants will turnaround at the water station and simply follow the same course out to return to the park and finish line.

The 8k runners will run slightly further past the water station in their first loop to the marked flag turnaround.

The 8k runners then return towards Memorial Park along the same course until they reach Burnett Street (there will be another water station here) where they will turn around and run back out and along West Street.

Please note the 8k runners will turn at the West St water station on the second loop.

The finish line is at Memorial Park near the bridge.

Monday, May 6, 2013

1 more sleep!
See you in the morning!
Dress warmly so you are comfortable before the run/walk!
How's the costume preparations going?
Remember there's a prize for the best costume!
Don't miss out on Kingaroy's Fun Run/Walk
4k - walk or run
8k - runners only
(1hour 20min cut off time)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Enter ONLINE now!!!!

The online option closes  Wednesday
 Avoid the line up on Sunday morning
enter online NOW!

Registration is possible on the day
and EFPTOS will be available.

Please arrive by 7am
 if you are planning to enter on the day
as we would like to begin the event by 7:20am. 
This will only be possible if all registrations are completed.


Please NO dogs allowed
at the Mother's Day Classic
Children on push bikes or scooters
Prams/wheelchairs are welcome

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Come Join in the Fun

Go Getta Girls are looking forward to seeing you
at the Mothers Day Classic Fun Run/ Walk
 Memorial Park Kingaroy on 12 May 2013.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sponsors for Kingaroy's MDC

Tarong Power Stations/Meandu Mine/ Stanwell

South Burnett Regional Council

Andersson's Fruit

Office Central

Intouch Chiropractic

Program for the Morning

  • 7am - 7:30am -

  • Arrive (bring a jumper, it may be a little chilly!)

  • Collect your sample bag (if registered online)

  • Pay for your entry (if you didn't register online and also receive a sample bag)

  • Purchase raffle tickets - $2 a ticket or 3 or $5 -  Eight great prizes to win - vouchers/jewellery/picnic hamper/handbag

  • Purchase your tutu - $15 each - guaranteed to help you run faster!

  • Be quick as we have a limited number of beautiful "Sissy" brand handbags for sale

  • 7:20am - event ceremony begins with speakers

  • 7:30am - Race Brief - course details, instructions etc.  Best costume winner will be announce before the run/walk

  • The 8k runners (cut off time 1hr and 20mins) will begin first

  • The 4k walkers and  4k runners will start at approx. 7:45am

  • On your return to the park finish line, all participants will receive a bottle of water and some fruit, donated by Andersson's Fruit.

  • From 8:30am -

  • Wonder back into the park to purchase a freshly made bacon and egg burger, cooked by Kingaroy Rotary

  • Relax with your family - Mum can have a short massage at the Intouch Chiropractic tent or go have her nails painted for a gold coin donation while the kids have their faces painted for a gold coin donation

  • The multi draw raffle will be drawn once all participants have returned to the park.

  • Have a chat to the Breast Care Nurse

  • Music and sound system supplied by Protec.

  • Once all participants have returned the roads will be re-opened to traffic.

  • When the SES volunteers return to the park, be sure to thank them for their supervision and allowing you a safe course for the event.

  • Queensland Ambulance Service will also be on site so first aide is readily available.

Enter Online NOW

Online entry registration closes soon - save yourself lining up on the morning by pre-registering
However if you don't get around to registering online then you are able to register on the morning by filling in a form and pay by cash or eftpos.

Thank you

A big thanks is extended to two companies who have assisted our club with the Traffic Management Plan .

South Burnett Security and Traffic Control, Murgon - thank you to Julie for her valued time assisting with a professional document necessary to allow the club to seek permission to temporarily close the roads required by the event.

Plus to the CMC group, Nanango -  for their generosity allowing us to borrow road signs which will be used during our event under the supervision of the local SES

Sunday, April 21, 2013


The pinker the better - come along and have some fun! 
There will be a prize for the best costume on the day!
Out do the GGG's in their pink attire!
The famous GGG tutu's will be for sale at the Kingaroy MDC!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Beginner's Program

Perhaps the MDC has motivated you to get more active? 
 Interested in knowing more about the Go Getta Girls club?

Our club's commitment is to continue to empower Women to be the best they can be by promoting an active and healthy lifestyle through Recreational Long Distance Running
We are a women's group for those women over 18yr old interested in recreational distance running with the view to long term exercise and health.

As a running club we aim to provide information, motivation, training, inspiration and support on all matters pertaining to recreational distance running (eg.10k, 1/2 marathon and marathons)
In addition our club promotes and encourages the wider adult local community to participate regularly in physical activity by offering programs or assisting with programs in partnership with other local organisations, that encourage Adults no matter their level of fitness to Come and Try - find an activity at you can enjoy long term. A healthy community becomes a happy community
The club hosts an annual Beginner's Program that is conducted by our Head Coach, Colleen Gunn.
This program is designed to allow women over 18years old to come and try running. Learn about technique, the right mind set to enjoy running and much more!
There is no obligation following the 6 week program to join the club however this is the only way to enter the club.
The next program will be begin on  Tuesday September 3
@ 5:45am (finishes each week at 6:30am)
- continuing Tues Sept 10, 17 pausing for the school holidays and then re-commences Tues Oct 8,15,22

It's $50 for the 6 week program (every session is important!)
Simply phone to register anytime from August onwards
Colleen 41625146


To enter

Especially for the Mums

Have you nails painted for a gold coin donation
on the morning for a bit of extra pampering!

Social Atmosphere

We encourage all participants NOT to use headsets/I pods etc during the walk/run as we'd prefer that everyone is able to listen to instructions that may be given by the SES and GGG volunteers during the event to ensure your safety.
Plus rather than listening to music - enjoy the company and atmosphere of the community about you! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The 8k course

The 8k course is for RUNNERS only as there is a  limited time to have the roads temporarily closed. 
The 8k option has a cut off time of 1hr and 15mins - after which the roads will be re-opened to traffic. 
Go Getta Girls would very much appreciate that only  runners able to finish within this time limit, participate in the 8k option.
Everyone else is welcome to run or walk the 4k option.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

For the Kids

On the day there will be face painting available for the kids for a gold coin donation.

The Mother's Day Classic is all about spending time with your family so the kids are more than welcome to participate in the 4k run or walk.

Please note:
The kids (or adults) can't ride push bikes or scooters in the event. 
Young children in prams is permitted!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Eftpos will be available on the day of the MDC

Entry can be done online however you may enter on the day.

Please arrive around 7am to fill in the paperwork and pay before the walk/run start time 7:30am

Protec is providing the sound system for the Kingaroy MDC


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Thank you to
 Office Central
who have assisted GGG's
with photocopying etc for the MDC preparation.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hot Breakfast

Kingaroy Rotary Club will be selling freshly made bacon and egg burgers during the event. 
How perfect, treat Mum to a special morning and someone else does the cooking for you!
Spend quality time with your Mum this Mother's Day

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Click on this link to register online for the Kingaroy Mother's Day Classic

Don't miss out on this local event!
Come spend a special Mother's Day morning at Memorial Park Kingaroy in the  cool crisp fresh air amongst the local community walking or running
in a
 event raising money for Breast Cancer Research.

South Burnett Regional Council

Through the Council's Community Assistance Grant the SBRC has pledged thier support for the Kingaroy Mother's Day Classic with financial assistance to the Go Getta Girls Inc. 
Our club is very thankful for this support as it greatly assists with the operational costs to host the MDC.  This support ensures services such as Queensland Ambulance and SES are able to be present on the day to ensure a safe environment for all the MDC participants and thier families.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Local Member

Deb Frecklington has shown her support for the Kingaroy Mother's Day Classic by entering online. Deb participated in the last year's event and is happy to be a part of this great Breast Cancer fundraiser again.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Go Getta Girls Inc.

Kingaroy's Women's Running Club is proud to be organising Kingaroy's Mother's Day Classic.
Group Unity/ Greatness/ Generosity

Group Unity - simply to remind that club sessions are about running with a group and being part of a group. Our club's code of conduct reiterates this value that we participate within the club with respect for self and all members.

Greatness - is about making goals, challenging ones self and achieving great things in our own personal journey. Goals give direction, goals are achieved when the goal has been dreamt by you and its means some thing to you.

Generosity - is to emphasis that wonderful value of paying it forward - helping another woman become a runner. Our code of conduct encourages all members to contribute to a safe, harrassment free, non judgemental environment within our club. The club is a place that offers inspiration, support and tools to become the runner, you wish to be.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Thank you to Sunshine Mitre 10 Kingaroy
for thier generous donation for the raffle
at the MDC on Sunday May 12
Tickets can be purchased on the morning for the multi draw raffle

Monday, March 25, 2013

Pretty in Pink

Join in the fun and wear your pinkest costume at the Kingaroy MDC,  which is raising funds for Breast Cancer Research.
Come along and have a fabulously fun morning with your Mum!
What a great way to spend Mother's Day morning - spending quality time with your Mum walking or even running with the local community and who knows perhaps you'll even pick up a prize in the multi-draw raffle or be judged the best costume on the morning!
Don't miss out - jump online NOW and register!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Motivational Support every step of the way!

Happy Mother's Day MUM, Don't stop people are watching! Running is cheaper than therapy,
 Love you MUM1k and your hair looks great!

SEE more of these wonderful signs in this year's Kingaroy MDC!

The start in 2012

A crisp cool morning, perfect weather for exercise!

Friday, March 22, 2013

South Burnett Mayor

Wayne Kratzmann has happily committed to walk the Kingaroy Mother's Day Classic again in 2013!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

All time record!

This year, the Mother’s Day Classic will be held in 74 locations including all capital cities, major metropolitans and 63 regional locations across Australia. We have well surpassed our 2012 numbers which was 50 events in total.

We’d like to say a special thank you to all those who have put their hands up to host an event in their local area. We are so appreciative of these people who are volunteering their time and energy to organise a Mother’s Day Classic event and allow even more people to participate and raise funds for breast cancer research.

Whether it’s 40 people or 40,000, every MDC raises funds for breast cancer research, supports and remembers those touched by breast cancer and starts Mother’s Day in a fun and healthy way. With a record number of events we expect to top our 2012 record of 125,000 participants and $4million raised.

Register now at one of our 2013 locations –

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Stanwell Partnership with Go Getta Girls Inc for Kingaroy's MDC

Go Getta Girls Inc. have received financial support from Stanwell through their Corporate Sponsorship Program enabling the club to make a positive"quality of life" contribution to the local community.  Go Getta Girls extend a heartfelt thanks to the Stanwell for their assistance.  This contribution assists our club to meet the expenses incurred to host a community charity event.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Kingaroy's Mother's day Classic

Kingaroy QLD
The Kingaroy event involves a 4km walk/run and an 8km run.

Memorial Park, Kingaroy.
Sunday 12 May 2013
Registration closing dates:
Online registrations close on Wednesday 8 May
How to register:
Register online or on the day

  • Adult - $20
  • Student / Health Card holder - $12
  • Child (16 years and under) - $10
  • Family (2 adults and up to 4 children) - $50
  • Family (1 adult and up to 4 children) - $30
Start times:
On the day registrations open at 7:00am

8km Run: 7:30am
4km Walk: 7:45am
The course:
Assemble in Memorial Park, Haly St side. The startline is at the bridge on Haly St. Follow the flat course along Haly st, turning right onto West St. Continue up West St to the half way point of the course, and turn back towards the start. The 8km course is 2 laps. The course is all on bitumen roads and is suitable for prams and wheelchairs.
Event day information:
  • Please note dogs are not allowed at this event.
  • Show bags are subject to availability on the day.

Stretches for after an exercise session

Glute stretch

Calf stretch

Hamstring stretch

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Hosting a local community fun run/walk has been a long term goal for the GGG club and last year it came to fruition when we joined in the National Fundraiser for Breast Cancer Research,
 The Mother's Day Classic
A fun walk/ run held around Australia to raise funds and offer an opportunity to get active.
 Little did we know what was to happen within the club over the last 12 months. 
It happened, two of our very own GGG's were diagnosed with breast cancer and another member, her Mother.
It all became very real and we came to understand the treatment proces, the stress and the effect it has on families and friends.
The club has always felt a responsiblity to partake in fundraising for cancer prevention causes and now it's very personal with our very own diagnosed.  This has only increased our passion to continue to our part by hosting the MDC each year in Kingaroy. We aim to  
  • raise funds for breast cancer research
  • to support and acknowledge those who have to touched by this disease
  • to encourage the community to get active and participate in this unique opportunity
  • Spend Mother's Day outdoors together with your family in an enjoyable and safe enviroment
Happily we can report that one member and the Mum have completed thier treatment and are doing well. Our second  member is currently undergoing radium treatment weekly in Toowoomba but she still comes along and walks with the club each Monday's before heading over to Toowoomba. How amazing!

Take a look at last year's photo gallery

Kingaroy Entries

The local community has  begun entering by simply registering online.
Don't miss out on this fabuluous event here in Kingaroy!
While you are online entering, why not shop at the online store and kit yourself out with some
MDC merchandise to wear on the day!
The famous GGG tutu's
will be again be on sale on the day
Guaranteed to  max your enjoyment while participating in the fun walk/run!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thank you

Special thanks to Andersson's Fruit who have kindly offered to donate
the water and fruit
for all MDC participants after their run or walk.

Heart Foundation Walking Groups Details

Heart Foundation Walking Groups



Tuesday & Friday 5:45am

Memorial Park next to pool

Contact Elva Harm 4162 4700



Monday 4:30pm & Friday 5pm

Contact Barb Harding 0422 125 754



Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 6am

PCYC Car Park

Also self-paced town walk from Golf Club

Contact Paula Noonan 0400 709 532

Rehabilitation Pole Walkers

Monday, Wednesday & Friday 7am


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tips to stay motivated

Make the decision now, don't procastinate, don't over think it, just give it a go. 

Begin very gradual, don't aim to do too much too soon.  It's about injury prevention.

Begin with the first step and simply follow the program - don't jump ahead of yourself or your ability.

Enjoy the process.  Relax, smile and look around.

Jogging pace is judged by how you feel - you should feel in control, relaxed and able to breathe comfortably (heavier, faster breathing is normal but gasping for air is NOT!)

Some days will feel fantastic, some days will feel hard work - take it all in your stride - but don't give up.  We are not machines but humans so accept the good with the bad.

Imagine how you will feel as you cross the finish line - happy & satisfied that you achieved?

Tell your family and friends what you plan to do! It will help you stay committed to your goal.

Training Guide to jog 4k course

 week 1 beginning Mar 17 
Walk 4 ½ mins and jog 30 secs, repeat 5 times
Mar 24  week 2
Walk 4 mins and jog 1min, repeat 5 times
Mar 31 week 3
Walk 3 mins jog 2mins, repeat 5 times
April 7 week4
 Walk 2mins jog 2 mins, repeat 6 times
April 14 week 5
Walk 2 mins jog 2 ½ mins, repeat 5 times
April 21 week 6
Walk 1 min jog 2 mins repeat 8 times
April 28 week 7
Walk 1 min jog 3 mins repeat 6 times
May 5 week 8
Walk 30 sec jog 4 ½ mins repeat 5 times
May 12 week 9 – Goal 4k
Jog for as long as comfortable and brisk walk when needed

Do these sessions 2-3 times per week – on 2-3 non consecutive days – important to have recovery time between each session, for example alternative days with the weekend off or Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.  Stretch after each session NOT before.  Warm up with 5 mins of walking – slowly increasing your pace before beginning the sessions outlined above.

Mother's Day Classic May 12 2013

Kingaroy QLD

The Kingaroy event involves a 4km walk/run and an 8km run.

Memorial Park, Kingaroy.
Sunday 12 May 2013
Registration closing dates:
Online registrations close on Wednesday 8 May
How to register:
Register online or on the day

  • Adult - $20
  • Student / Health Card holder - $12
  • Child (16 years and under) - $10
  • Family (2 adults and up to 4 children) - $50
  • Family (1 adult and up to 4 children) - $30
Start times:
On the day registrations open at 7:00am

8km Run: 7:30am
4km Walk: 7:45am
The course:
Assemble in Memorial Park, Haly St side. The startline is at the bridge on Haly St. Follow the flat course along Haly st, turning right onto West St. Continue up West St to the half way point of the course, and turn back towards the start. The 8km course is 2 laps. The course is all on bitumen roads and is suitable for prams and wheelchairs.
Event day information:
  • Please note dogs are not allowed at this event.
  • Show bags are subject to availability on the day.