Thursday, March 21, 2013

All time record!

This year, the Mother’s Day Classic will be held in 74 locations including all capital cities, major metropolitans and 63 regional locations across Australia. We have well surpassed our 2012 numbers which was 50 events in total.

We’d like to say a special thank you to all those who have put their hands up to host an event in their local area. We are so appreciative of these people who are volunteering their time and energy to organise a Mother’s Day Classic event and allow even more people to participate and raise funds for breast cancer research.

Whether it’s 40 people or 40,000, every MDC raises funds for breast cancer research, supports and remembers those touched by breast cancer and starts Mother’s Day in a fun and healthy way. With a record number of events we expect to top our 2012 record of 125,000 participants and $4million raised.

Register now at one of our 2013 locations –

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