Monday, April 29, 2013

Program for the Morning

  • 7am - 7:30am -

  • Arrive (bring a jumper, it may be a little chilly!)

  • Collect your sample bag (if registered online)

  • Pay for your entry (if you didn't register online and also receive a sample bag)

  • Purchase raffle tickets - $2 a ticket or 3 or $5 -  Eight great prizes to win - vouchers/jewellery/picnic hamper/handbag

  • Purchase your tutu - $15 each - guaranteed to help you run faster!

  • Be quick as we have a limited number of beautiful "Sissy" brand handbags for sale

  • 7:20am - event ceremony begins with speakers

  • 7:30am - Race Brief - course details, instructions etc.  Best costume winner will be announce before the run/walk

  • The 8k runners (cut off time 1hr and 20mins) will begin first

  • The 4k walkers and  4k runners will start at approx. 7:45am

  • On your return to the park finish line, all participants will receive a bottle of water and some fruit, donated by Andersson's Fruit.

  • From 8:30am -

  • Wonder back into the park to purchase a freshly made bacon and egg burger, cooked by Kingaroy Rotary

  • Relax with your family - Mum can have a short massage at the Intouch Chiropractic tent or go have her nails painted for a gold coin donation while the kids have their faces painted for a gold coin donation

  • The multi draw raffle will be drawn once all participants have returned to the park.

  • Have a chat to the Breast Care Nurse

  • Music and sound system supplied by Protec.

  • Once all participants have returned the roads will be re-opened to traffic.

  • When the SES volunteers return to the park, be sure to thank them for their supervision and allowing you a safe course for the event.

  • Queensland Ambulance Service will also be on site so first aide is readily available.

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