Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The course

All participants will leave from the Memorial Park and walk or run along Haly Street (temporarily closed for your safety) heading towards Mt. Wooroolin direction. 

At West Street everyone will turn right and walk or run until they reach the 2k water station point.

Please note there will be a port a loo at the 1k mark on the corner of James and West Street.

The 4k participants will turnaround at the water station and simply follow the same course out to return to the park and finish line.

The 8k runners will run slightly further past the water station in their first loop to the marked flag turnaround.

The 8k runners then return towards Memorial Park along the same course until they reach Burnett Street (there will be another water station here) where they will turn around and run back out and along West Street.

Please note the 8k runners will turn at the West St water station on the second loop.

The finish line is at Memorial Park near the bridge.

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