Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Go Getta Girls Inc.

Kingaroy's Women's Running Club is proud to be organising Kingaroy's Mother's Day Classic.
Group Unity/ Greatness/ Generosity

Group Unity - simply to remind that club sessions are about running with a group and being part of a group. Our club's code of conduct reiterates this value that we participate within the club with respect for self and all members.

Greatness - is about making goals, challenging ones self and achieving great things in our own personal journey. Goals give direction, goals are achieved when the goal has been dreamt by you and its means some thing to you.

Generosity - is to emphasis that wonderful value of paying it forward - helping another woman become a runner. Our code of conduct encourages all members to contribute to a safe, harrassment free, non judgemental environment within our club. The club is a place that offers inspiration, support and tools to become the runner, you wish to be.

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