Sunday, March 17, 2013


Hosting a local community fun run/walk has been a long term goal for the GGG club and last year it came to fruition when we joined in the National Fundraiser for Breast Cancer Research,
 The Mother's Day Classic
A fun walk/ run held around Australia to raise funds and offer an opportunity to get active.
 Little did we know what was to happen within the club over the last 12 months. 
It happened, two of our very own GGG's were diagnosed with breast cancer and another member, her Mother.
It all became very real and we came to understand the treatment proces, the stress and the effect it has on families and friends.
The club has always felt a responsiblity to partake in fundraising for cancer prevention causes and now it's very personal with our very own diagnosed.  This has only increased our passion to continue to our part by hosting the MDC each year in Kingaroy. We aim to  
  • raise funds for breast cancer research
  • to support and acknowledge those who have to touched by this disease
  • to encourage the community to get active and participate in this unique opportunity
  • Spend Mother's Day outdoors together with your family in an enjoyable and safe enviroment
Happily we can report that one member and the Mum have completed thier treatment and are doing well. Our second  member is currently undergoing radium treatment weekly in Toowoomba but she still comes along and walks with the club each Monday's before heading over to Toowoomba. How amazing!

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